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Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

Symptoms of Colon Cancer in Women – What to Observe

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The symptoms of colon cancer in women will be rarely shown unless it has reached the developed level. It can be said that the reason for this is because this disease that builds up mainly of intestines’ portion of the system of digestive has the long process in which the colon cannot be detected easily. And here are what to observe:

Rectal Bleeding

This is the most essential phase to detect the earliest in symptoms of colon cancer in women. Commonly, this disease is related to other health issues, the suffering women experience the rectal bleeding at the early phase, including stool bleeding.

Change in Bowel Movements

Like the rectal bleeding, you can get confused as comparing this indication to some common minor issues. Diarrhea is one of symptoms of colon cancer in women. The victim’s tool will look thinner. What to be underlined is the time period this disease develops in which can be approximately two weeks or more.

Other Digestive Issues

Nausea or also known as vomiting is other digestive from symptoms of colon cancer in women. It is fairly due to unrelenting gas and bloating as the cancer’s blockage in large intestines. So, if you have experienced such condition, you have experienced digestive cramping. This cramping sometimes occur when you go to bathroom.

Weight Loss

This indication is actually a common one of any kind of cancer, including symptoms of colon cancer in women if the weight loosing cannot be explained with natural causes. Definitely, the cancer gives the consequences as it makes you experience weight loss because the cancer burns much more calories as it developes.


As the burnt calories increased, a woman experiencing symptoms of colon cancer in women will experience fatigue. However, this indication can also be related to te rectal bleeding or the stool blood. Then this woman becomes anemic as her blood is loosing, and consequently, she becomes paler.

Expert Insight

Colon cancer develops in 50-year old people, said Mayo Clinic. In fact, most of the cases regardig this cancer are found in those who are 50 years old or older. However, it cannot be said that younger people will not suffer from symptoms of colon cancer in women, and you are advisedto do screeing if you turn the certain age.

Symptoms Of Colon Cancer In Young Women

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This article will be focusing on the symptoms of colon cancer in young women and how it can greatly affect one’s health if not treated early.

What Is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is also known as the cancer affecting the large intestines of our body. In the United States, it is said to be the third type of cancer that kills people no matter what age or gender. Although majority of the people who have this would be the elders, it is still likely to see symptoms of colon cancer in young women and men.

Colon Cancer Strikes Anyone!

Colon cancer is one of the most life threatening diseases anyone can have. Several records show that even young people are susceptible with this disease if something goes terribly wrong with your body system. The symptoms of colon cancer in young women are not very much different from the symptoms experienced by adults or elder people.

Who Is At Risk At Colon Cancer?

Like what is mentioned earlier, records show that symptoms of colon cancer in young women is also possible to arise if you hold the following:
  • If you are diagnosed to have other types of cancer or intestine related disorder currently.
  • If you are diagnosed to have colorectal polypscrohn’s disorder.
  • If anyone from your family is suffering or have suffered from colon cancer.
  • If you or anyone from your family has breast cancer.
  • If you are diagnosed to have ulcerative colitis.
Furthermore, symptoms of colon cancer in young women depend on the severity of the case. There are times when you do not feel anything, which is why you end up knowing it only when you are older, and when the symptoms of colon cancer in young women is already severe.

What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Colon Cancer In Young Women?

Again, symptoms of colon cancer in young women may always vary. But just to give you a heads up on some of the most recorded type of symptoms, please see the following bullets I have for you below:
  • Weight loss
  • Bloating
  • The skin on your breast feels heavier than the usual, and the color is reddish.
  • Sudden appearance of rashes.
  • Your nipples change in color
  • Discharge is flowing from your nipple.
  • Unexplainable bleeding
  • If you have a mole, it usually changes in color.
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Blood in stool and urine
  • Development of lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Cough
These are the most common symptoms of colon cancer in young women. If you happen to experience any of them, seek a professional immediately to give you the proper medication.

How To Treat Colon Cancer

Luckily, with some of our advanced technologies available in the medical field, it is much easier to cure the colon cancer today. However, it is still best to prevent it from happening than curing it. It is said that calcium is one of the most vital nutrient to take in order to prevent the symptoms of colon cancer in young women and men to arise.

Colon Cancer Symptoms - The Advanced Stage

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A record has been made that a lot people in the United States are suffering from colon cancer symptoms. It has been reported that more than 70,000 men and also 70,000 women are suffered from colorectal cancer. And more than 25,000 men and also more than 25,000 women died caused by this disease. For that and so many other reasons, it is best for all of us to know more about the advanced symptoms of this disease. All of us should be more preventative.


Unfortunately, many people don’t experience the colon cancer symptoms until the disease has reached the advanced stage. Nevertheless, some symptoms we should know and aware of are fatigue, blood in stool, anemia, night sweat, constipation, diarrhea, right shoulder pain, and bowel movement changes.

Advanced Symptoms

A patient of this disease may experience the different colon cancer symptoms as the cancer has reached the advanced stage. Such symptoms are appetite loosing, abdominal pain, weakness sometimes, and weight loss. The patient can also suffer from bleeding resulting in anemia which explains the weakness.


Prominent is the correlation between the disease and the eating habits. If you are doing such diet that is high in straches and low in fiber, than it is likely that you will suffer from colon cancer symptoms. Genetic make up is another reason of suffering this disease, in which unfortunately none of us can control genetics. Nevertheless, all of us surely can control what we eat.


You can start colon cancer symptoms at your own home. You can do it by attempting Fecal Occult Blood Test, in which you do it in your home. Your blood in the stool will be tested. When the result comes out as a positive, you should never assume that you have the cancer. It tells that there is something wrong, however. What you should do is go to the trusted physician and take any possible further test.


To get more deep investigation related to colon cancer symptoms, you can do a diagnosis by a colonoscopy. In this way, you will be able to detect even the smallest polyp. The main aim of colonoscopy is catch the polyp before it grows to the more advanced cancer stage. It can also snip easily the polyp off in addition, and you should have it lab-analyzed to find out any malignancies.


Surgery has been always the option to treat advanced colon cancer. After this, commonly you will do radiation and chemotherapy in routine schedule for the further treatments. Half of the patients who are suffering colon cancer will suffer from this disease again within five years. Therefore, there is CEA blood test to get rid of this matter, and it is done along with monitoring annually. And this test is done to the patients that are suffering from colon cancer symptoms initially.

Lung Cancer Signs

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Symptoms of lung cancer symptoms. It seems that more and more people are now signs of lung problems, may be lung cancer.

We look for signs of lung cancer, respiratory problems and how they are symptoms of lung cancer, it is a good idea to go to medical test is the only way to know that you have cancer.

First of all, do you know that there are four types of lung cancer, these four types of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancer, lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of lung. The four apparently related to smoking or second degree, but it is also known that symptoms of cancer may be a hereditary component. Studies were carried out, which may be signs of lung cancer may be related to diet, but research, but some of the symptoms of lung cancer may be related to food.

Symptoms of lung cancer are difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, chest pain, loss of appetite, weight loss and general fatigue, but symptoms of lung cancer has no obvious symptoms, because this club is at the stage of lung cancer spread to other parts of the country, and it is difficult to see signs of lung cancer.

Sometimes symptoms of cancer can be detected only in the Gulf of X-rays, but occasionally symptoms of cancer called bronchoscopy is a test, this test is a thin flexible tube into the throat of the first doctors in the air so the lungs, and then extended to the lung biopsy, further tests are completed, depending on the cancer, such as CT , ultrasound can determine whether the liver or bone cancer spread to other areas.

Now, depending on the lung cancer depends on treatment, treatment can be applied to small cell lung cancer, called (chemotherapies), which are common symptoms of cancer, lung cancer, radiotherapy should be used for small tumors in the other, I mentioned the deal. Although lung cancer is one of the most dangerous cancer, remember that it is healing and hope (we can always hope), lung cancer and other cancers.

Treatment of lung cancer treatment, he said, a few bruises, including fatigue, hair loss, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, nausea and vomiting, but the use of other drugs, and help hair loss? He also .. grow.

If you think you may have lung cancer and has these symptoms, tell your doctor and tests for lung cancer can also spread to other parts of the body, and soon the problem will be solved soon.

Impairative lung cancer is that you can help and be treated immediately. Lung cancer can kill, as we all know that the tests and lung cancer, donuts, to win. You can beat cancer.