Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016


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Healing Outside the Margins: the Survivors Guide to Integrative Cancer Care by Carole O’Toole (Carole is also the author of Greater Washington DC Area’s Cancer Community Healing Network Resource Guide) A step-by-step method for sorting through the enormous range of CAM cancer treatments, this book shows you how to sort through your options and develop your own individual integrative treatment plan, how to make critical decisions about what to use and when, how to find experienced practitioners and what to expect from them--and most importantly, how to rebuild your life, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Cancer: 50 Essential Things to Do by Greg Anderson

Written by a relapsed lung cancer patient given 30 days to live, this book contains an excellent overview of the many components of an action plan for healing. Easy to read and understand—a great book for someone just diagnosed or beginning the cancer journey to overcome hopelessness or inertia.

The Twenty-Two Non-Negotiable Laws of Wellness by Greg Anderson

Empowering book with a comprehensive, easy to follow and concise description of what healing is truly about: that everything we think, say, feel and do has a direct impact on our physical and emotional health—yet we overlook this fundamental truth every day. Contains one of the best stories we have encountered concerning the powerful role of forgiveness in healing and wellness, and how the author experienced this as the pivotal turning point in overcoming his late-stage terminal cancer.
Cancer Battle Plan by Anne and David Frahm

A classic book by a terminal breast cancer survivor and her husband, it offers an account of Anne’s personal journey in overcoming overwhelming odds. In particular, there is detailed information about the roles of nutrition, diet and detoxification in fighting cancer. Five weeks after implementing her “battle plan,” Anne’s cancer disappeared. Anne and David went on to establish a non-profit organization called HealthQuarters Ministry in Colorado Springs that offers a nine-day program for intensive detoxification and cleansing.

Cancer as a Turning Point: A Handbook for People with Cancer, Their Families and Health Professionals by Lawrence LeShan, PhDWritten by a psychotherapist who has worked with cancer patients for over 40 years, this classic book written by the “father of mind-body therapy” demonstrates how psychological change, together with medical treatment, can mobilize a compromised immune system for healing.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Patrick Quillin, PhD.

This is a new and revised edition with a great deal of excellent information and research on nutrition, detoxification, healing diet and supplementation. Written in a very readable style by the Director of Nutrition for Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Includes an audio CD.

Love, Medicine & Miracles by Bernie Siegel MD

Lessons learned about self-healing and exceptional cancer survivors from this well-known surgeon turned mind/body/spirit healer and teacher. Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. The truth is: love heals. Miracles happen to exceptional patients every day--patients who have the courage to love, those who have the courage to work with their doctors to participate in and influence their own recovery. Other great works from Dr. Siegel include Humor and Healing and an audio tape: Meditations for Enhancing Your Immune System: Strengthen Your Body's Ability to Heal

Five Steps to Selecting the Best Alternative Medicine: A Guide to Complementary & Integrative HealthCare by Mary and Michael Morton (founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association) includes a beginner’s guide to selecting the best alternative practitioners and treatments. Provides a comprehensive overview of major systems of licensed CAM, including insurance coverage issues and extensive references for further research.

The Definitive Guide to Cancer presented by Burton Goldberg, offers an overview of the specific cancer treatment protocols of 23 alternative physicians and other practitioners, as well as detailed explanations of many of the modalities used. A good place to start learning about CAM cancer treatments in clinical practice.

Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived by the Patient by Norman Cousins

A short book and fast read. This is the man who taught us about the value of laughter and humor in healing, but this book is much more. It will make you think about the role that your thoughts, attitudes and emotions play in your health and ultimate well-being.
Living Well with Cancer by Katen Moore RN, AOCN, MSN and Libby Schmais, MFA

Written by an oncology nurse and medical researcher, this book addresses the side effects of medical treatments, from aches and pains to nausea, fatigue, fear and depression, with down-to-earth recommendations. It addresses healthcare issues rarely discussed in standard medical texts, including advice on exercise, rest, nutrition, sex and emotional issues. Includes a resource guide to helpful organizations and literature—lots of great practical advice.
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine by Larry Dossey MD

This popular book studies the link between medicine and spirituality and the healing power of prayer. Prayer heals? Hardly news in the religious world, but for science, it's a revelation, one confirmed by dozens of laboratory experiments that Dossey cites. Prayer can help with high blood pressure, asthma, heart attacks, headaches, and anxiety; it can alter enzyme activity, blood cell growth, and even the germination of seeds. Another good read along these lines: Prayer Is Good Medicine, also by Dossey.

Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert

The first book to scientifically explain and document exactly how our thoughts and emotions affect our physical health and how the mind and body function together as parts of an interconnected system.

Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy by John Boik

The ultimate reference book in understanding the use of natural botanical compounds in cancer therapy. A powerful starting point for cancer protocols involving vitamins, herbs and other natural products.

Be Prepared: The Complete Financial, Legal and Practical Guide for Living With a Life-Challenging Condition by David S. Landay.

Although not cancer-specific, this book offers excellent easy to understand and practical guidance. Available at booksellers/bookstores for $29.95, 447 pages.

The Mood Cure by Julia Ross

A wonderful book that explains exactly how neurotransmitters in the brain (which control our moods to a great extent) can be manipulated in a very positive manner by using easily obtained amino acids (available over the counter at vitamin stores). This is a natural, rather than pharmaceutical approach. For example, L-tryptophan and 5-HTP are the direct pre-cursers to serotonin, rather than taking Prozac and GABA for anxiety rather than Valium. Protocols outlined for anxiety, depression etc. Dietary and herbal suggestions included.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch CNC and James Balch, MD

This is the "bible" of reference books for nutritional guidance, organized by specific condition or disease, with an extensive list of recommended nutritional (drug-free) supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbs and other items. Includes scientific descriptions and uses of all supplements, as well as food recommendations and other important considerations. Excellent resource to have on hand and a great starting point to educate and inform. Updated regularly, current version is the third edition.

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