Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

Using iPhone apps to lose weight

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I just picked up this article feed from Reuters Health and thought it was perfect for our readers. I have included an excerpt below and you can find a link to the entire article at the bottom.

The overriding concept here is that people who monitor their progress as they try to lose weight are generally going to be more successful at losing weight and keeping it off than those who do not. It makes sense that if you are using a program and watching what you eat, and have access to ongoing feedback on your progress from a smartphone app such as Jillian Michaels Weight Loss Plan by Everyday Health, Inc. by the popular trainer from The Biggest Loser television show. There are also hundreds of other choices available for iPhone, Android and other smartphones.

Below is the excerpt. The entire article can be found here.

(From Reuters Health) – Mobile devices that let people track how much they eat and exercise may help them shed pounds over and above the benefits of a typical weight-loss program, a new study suggests.

Researchers found overweight and obese adults lost an average of over eight pounds more when they had personal digital assistants (PDAs) and occasional phone coaching to help them in addition to a group program.

There’s no reason to think the same wouldn’t hold true for smart phone apps that can log nutrition and activity information and give real-time feedback, they said.

“The number one mechanism through which people lose weight is self-monitoring, just watching what you eat and keeping a record of it,” said Dr. Goutham Rao, from the NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, Illinois.

Rao, who wrote a commentary published with the new study, noted that programs for mobile devices are easily personalized – and readily available wherever people carry their phones or PDAs.

“I’m actually very optimistic that people who are motivated, who can couple the technology with in-person counseling and management are going to be very successful,” he told Reuters Health.

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